About Pine Life
Pine Life Printing and Paper Products Ltd has been established in Hong Kong for almost 20 years with the values of providing services with high quality. Our product range consist of a various range of paper products such as display and gift boxes, instruction manuals, brochures, catalogues, hang tags, header cards, pop-up cards, labels stickers etc that are sold in Hong Kong and overseas. We also offer product design services, for instance, packaging design, booklet and catalogue design and also commercial photography upon clients’ requests.
Pine Life has a production plant in Dongguan City, Guangdong, China, which is well-equipped with printing press equipments such as Roland 5 Colour Press, and also pre- and post-press equipments such as CTP System, rotary sheeter, paper cutter, laminating machine, UV varnisher, varnishing machine, die-cutters, box gluing machine, auto-visual positioning production line etc so as to provide clients with one-stop service.
With our ISO 9001: 2008 quality management system accreditation (Cert No. HK05/051571), we are committed to offer and satisfy our clients by meeting all their specific needs.
Please feel free to contact us today for your printing enquiry or any other questions in regards to our services.
栢力印刷紙品有限公司在香港創立接近20年,一直堅守為客戶提供高品質服務為信念。栢力生產的主要產品包括彩盒及展示盒、說明書、小冊子、目錄冊、吊牌、橫頭咭、立體咭、標籤貼紙等。 我們亦因應客戶要求,提供產品設計服務,包括包裝設計、書刊設計、商業攝影等服務。
栢力於中國廣東省東莞市設有生產廠房,備有德國羅蘭五色印刷機;印前及印後生產設備包括:CTP數位出版、柯達EVO數碼打樣系統,配合Epson / HP數碼打稿設備、電腦?樣機、分切機、切紙機、覆膜機、過油機、UV機、自動及手動啤機、自動黏盒機、全自動視覺定位生產線、天地盒製盒機等生產設備。品質監測設備主要有:X-Rite eXact / 528分光密度儀、i1 Pro 分光亮度儀,配合色彩管理系統、恒溫恒濕測試儀、全自動微電腦耐破儀、全自動環壓邊壓測試儀、膠水黏度測試儀等檢測儀器。設備齊全,具備一條龍的生產服務能力。
栢力已取得國際 ISO9001:2008 品質質量管理體系認證(證書號碼: HK05/01571),我們致力為客戶提供優質的服務及配合客人的需要。關於環保問題的關注,栢力提出節能減廢、預防污染的環保方針。